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Thursday, 20 September 2012

Grey Tsunami letter writer

Hi All,
To date I have had over 3,000 hits on my blog!  No, it isn't my mother visiting the site time and time again. I really do have regular readers like YOU (okay, and my Mom!) and thanks for keeping me doing what I like doing.

 To celebrate, I am encouraging you to write to me and elaborate on the life of someone you knew personally who lived to be a ripe old age. Probably because they ...(finish this sentence or add to it)
For example:  "My Aunt Elsie lived to the age of 96 because she never had any stress in her life."
I will choose a winner and send chocolate. You can either write to me in the comment section below this blog entry or you can write to me at:  When I pick a winner, I will write to you and get your mailing address.

Bill was one of the winners of my last contest.  He posted one of my favorite responses to my request for readers to put together a virtual list of things they would take into their twilight years.  If you look back through my installments, you'll see that I had posted my own Grey Tsunami kit bag items.

Here's what Bill wrote:

My marbles...all of them.
My baseball glove...for when I start my comeback.
My D-Ribose...a good fatigue beater
Lotsa good movies
An unlimited supply of classical music
A good bike
My journal
The best eyesight I can muster
My skateboard
And, if allowed, my wish list:
a heart pure, on fire and wide as the world
joy as deep and abiding as the ocean
a spirit with two good wings
enthusiasm beyond measure
unlimited energy and muscles that don't atrophy
a keen-sighted soul and ears that hear
a sense of drama as I journey through act 3
absolute sincerity
endless curiosity and
my wife...without whom I would have no anchor.

Well I came up with more that anticipated. Could even add a bunch more, but hey, let's leave it at that, it was fun, thanks for the opportunity to participate. And, oh yes...I'd probably pack a load of art supplies including a large roll of rice paper, some black ink and a set of Chinese brushes.

Love ya Gail,

NOTE FROM GAIL:  If you are entering my new contest and writing about how your friend/relative lived to be a ripe ol' age, you don't need to stress about how many words you need to write. It can just be one sentence or one paragraph.  Good luck!

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