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Thursday, 25 October 2012

Health Care Worker Appreciation Day

It's pouring rain today, but that didn't stop me from driving 45 minutes to visit my father in the care home.  I made a stop first to pick up the Rogers Chocolates for the contest I had.  You winners will be getting your prizes soon.

BTW, this is a fact:  people drive faster in the rain!  I heard a driving instructor say that on the radio the other day and as I was driving the highway and the danger of hydro-planing was real and present, sure enough I noticed that everyone was going a bit higher than the posted speed limit!  I took my speed down a notch or two and drove in the slow lane with classical music playing on the radio.  It was quite relaxing.

Anyway, back to the visit with my dad. He's pretty tired and it was easier to put him in a loaner wheelchair and push him around the garden than to have him accompany me with his walker.  We did go for a  bit of a drive in my car as well, but he fell asleep!

The workers at the care home were in good spirits. Actually, they are always in great moods. There's a good atmosphere there even though they have tough jobs!  They all were given colorful pens from the management today and I got to take one too.

I stopped in at my mother's place and her junk mail was piling up and it gave me a great idea.  After shredding any important personal info that I come across, and after making a few calls to the charities to see if they can stop their barrage of unwanted mail, I am going to give the rest to my father. I think he may actually enjoy opening something addressed to him. He can write on the free memo pads and he can stick the labels they give him on envelopes and he can even write on the Christmas cards.

I know there are charities out there that need donations but this unsolicited stuff that arrives in seniors' mailboxes is just too much! My father in law is going through the same thing, dealing with all the stuff arriving at his place now that my mother in law is in a care facility.

Anyway, that's it for my ramblings today!  To summarize, don't drive fast in the rain, tell a health care worker you appreciate them, and get rid of unwanted charitable solicitations.

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